Citizenship Indonesian Citizen
Domicile Jakarta
Age 58 years old
Educational Background He graduated from Faculty of Law, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung (1986). Attended The Pacific Rim Bankers Program (PRBP) training, Seattle, USA (2012).
Work Experience He has work experience as a Staff in the Notary Office of Elly Soehandjojo (1986-1987), then pursued his career in banking industry as a Marketing Officer (1988-1990) and Head of Marketing & Credit (1990-1991) at Tamara Commercial Bank. Afterward, the joined PT Bank International Indonesia Tbk as an Account Officer (1991-1992), Branch Manager-Karawang (1992-1995), MDP 27 (1995-1996), Branch Manager-Lampung (1996-1998), Branch Manager Bogor (1998-2000), Branch Manager-Palembang (2000-2003), Branch Manager-Bandung (2003-2004), Area Sales Manager (2005-2006), and Area Business Manager (2006). He was a Director of Credit and Marketing (2006-2010) and Vice President Director (2010-2012) of PT Bank Sinarmas Tbk. He also served as the Audit Committee member of PT Sinar Mas Multifinance (2004-2016).
Certification He obtained a level 5 risk management level 5 certification from the Risk Management Certification Agency (2007).
Concurrent Experience Concurrently served as Commissioner of PT Panji Ratu Jakarta (since 2016), President Commissioner of PT Sinarmas Ventura (since 2018), and Commissioner of PT Pasar Dana Pinjaman (since 2021). He also served as Director at several of the Company's Subsidiaries, i.e. PT Simas Poin Indonesia, PT Data Opal Terpadu, PT Zimba Onix Mustika and PT Sistem Loka Triprima (since 2021), and PT Pasar Gadai Digital (since April 2022).
President Director of PT Pasar Dana Pinjaman (since 2016), Commissioner at Panji Ratu Jakarta (since 2016), and President Commissioner Sinarmas Ventura (since 2018).
Affiliation Relationship He has no financial, management, and family relationships with other members of the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, and Main and Controlling Shareholders.